What came to your mind when you're reading my post tittle?
I'm refering to work today! ;D
So thankful! So happy! So old school!
Glad everything went on fine,
Meet up with old colleges and new colleges. :D
I'm back with the nice out looking uni! Yay! ;D
& I've got myself a new PERLINNI!
Shinning one was bought by Mummy like 2yrs back!
Wow! I've been using a wallet for 2 years!
& As Metro was having Roadshow,
Sis's was searching for Bags @ the Roadshow.
Thus, i went into the crowd and i found my new love. :D

How is my new wallet?
Not an expensive one as there isn't a need for it. - I think. :D
Hard work pays off. I am going to use my pay wisely. :D