Hahahahahahaha! ;D
I've got 2 double lessons on 2 days of this week!

It is like such a long day for me to spend.
Today, I attended my first lectures at 830am.
Thank god! Today one was some intersting,
& Thank god, it ended early.
After class ended at 1110pm, which is suppose to be 1130am,
I headed down quick to Bugis, thinking that i'll be late!
I was suppose to meet Joey&Stephen for lunch&arcade.
But ended up, I was the earliest! LOLS!
So i wondered around, and've gotten 2 books for my BROTHER!
Bro's 13th birthday is this friday you see!
Stephen than joined @ Kinokuniya before i went for payment.
& Off we proceed to the arcade @ lvlB1, Joey was there in moments!
So off we headed to the arcade&after that,
We headed for Swensen for lunch&chit chats.
Swensen current HOT promo,
1 for 1 lunch treat! Dammed good deal!
Thumbs up to the food!
Vivien then join us when she had her breaktime @ 2pm.
This menu rather interst me first,
But i was thinking,
" Is there anyone who take ice-cream before main course?"
Hmms, Alright, So we had main course first! ;D

Stephen&Joey! ;D
Stephen, Next time help you take photo,
Must smile more alright! Hahahahaha! ;D
Travis & Me!
Show casing the menu's and the advertisement!
Now, Guess which one did i had?
But if you got the correct ans, No prize la..
Hahahaha! ;D
I've got very good friends,
Who don't take these coslaws!
So.. I had it! Thankyou Joey&Stephen alr! ;D
The 4 of us had EarthQuake! ( The huge one )
Very Swensen signature! ;D
I love the stawberry one the most,
Like what Stephen say:
" Strawberry is ordered for me" ( IN CHI )
Hahaha! ;D
Vivien had her set lunch too! ;D
Vivien headed to work at 230,
And the 4 of us went back to school,
The 2 boys was lottering around,
And Me&Joey was having lectures. ;D
Hmms, & I;ve got good news to share,
I manage to get one more chance to retake my
Principles of Economics paper,
Yeah! So happy when my co-orditor told me! ;D
I will buck up! I must pass POE!
So that i can clear 1 more semester!
Alright, Having morning lectures tommrow,
& Will then attend a talk with friends&Cousins at night!
Saying about the timing of the talk,
I've made a huge blur mistake of timing,
Sorry to peeps where i've been informing! LOL!
( You know who you're) ^^
End off now, I need to do some laundry,
Is like, Mummy is not at home,
So, I'm sharing the chores with my sibs!
Mummy&SisChaoYing is enjoying themselves(I bet) in KL!
Enjoyment for them! But, must bring me souvenirs hor!
I know Sis will read my blog! Haha! ^^
Alright, Blog more again soon! ;D
Seeya! ;D