To see wheather i can get better deals from TBS sales.
I told myself, i will buy more if there is further reduction as compared to 2 days back.
TADA! I got this at $9.90 when i saw this on thurs @ $12.90!
$3 saved! & i decided to treat myself with more lotions! ;D LOL!
It's the White Mask Blush Smooth Satin Body Lotion!

Thus, i also get myself 5 more 60ml of lotions! ;D
-Strawberry Puree Body Lotion.
- Neroli Jasmin Body Lotion.
- White Mask Smooth Satin Body Lotion.
- Aqua Lily Body Lotion.
- Cassis Rose Body Lotion!
Yay! :D

A container gaven by mummy sometime ago.
So nice, Just fitted for the 5 brand news.
Alright, I should start saving Monery! $$
& Happy Happy that i can squeeze the Lotion like mad! :D
Hope to hear good news tonight,
If i hear any of them, it will be my 4th posting for today! :D