I told my mum, and she call me to skip today school.
But i say NO as i got a classtest on.
So i rested till 9plus,
Mum accomanyied me to school,
We cabbed down.
She went to look for my aunt,
While i was way in my examination hall.
After all, lunched at Koufu with friends/aunt,
Than to Bank at Causeway Point.
Mum brought me to this push cart,
Where by they sell outfits
from casual, dailies, formal to evening dresses.
She want me to pink one for this sat's evening dinner.
I choose 2, Both in greys.
Cause i think greys suits me
But i picked the 2nd one afterall.
It comes with a chain belt.
Lovely isn't it?

My sister was helping me to doll up.
Look for what hairstyle shld i go for this sat's dinner.
I'm wondering, Normal hairstlye?
or really doll up?

This is one of sis's design lahh.
She say she'll settle the hairdo and makeup for me.
Shld i trust her?
Moreover, It's someone else's wedding dinner ohhh!
Thanks Mummy, Thanks Sis.