People who went along was like:
XiaoJiao, Vivien, Joey, Jocelyn, Ray, Stephen, Travis.
& of cause me lahh!
Was like 15SGD for student meal.
& I'm going to have go SeoulGarden
for DINNER again tmr night! MostProbably lah!
( Vincent wants seoul garden lah! )

I will prepare myself well for tmr's seoul garden,
If i'm going, we may change venue.
But definatly dinning out i think! (:

Randomaise pictures here and there!
Today is my last lsn for my PBM and POE!
Goodbye to lectures by MsTrcia and MrLee!
You shall be missed by JANEchan!!
Alright, I'm tired now,
I think i will go sleep,
At 814pm or so? :D
Will be strt studying super hard frm tmr onwards.
I will give my fullest best!
People, wish me the best alright! (:
Give me courage, Give me support!
Listening to CryBaby now! LOL!