All smses, calles esp those who called after reading my blog.
Alright, I've got class test tommrow,
11AM TO 12AM.
So i going to do some quick Peekytorail Updates
before i go off for a nap, tv, than revision.
Alright, Picture with Vivien girl..
This girl ponteng work today,
Just for study for econ's paper.
Ohoh! I'm speaking to much! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7..
Haha! (:

Last week, I bought this cuppucino,
But i still prefer the milk coffe one.
I love Milky stuffs,
Like Milk shakes, Milk Teas, Milk Coffe,
And MUMU cow~~

I dug out this dress, and wanted to try it one.
I think i really put on some weight.
I'm still considering shld i wear from
this sat's weddinggg dinner,
Or shld i just or normally?
Readers, give me IDEAS!

From her 12 day trip to Nzealand!!
And she bought me Milky Moo!
Which i Called it:
Cause it's 黑白分红! Haha! (:

And shoots with Vivien with out bears!
Including my 黑白分红!! Loves! Thanks Girl!

This was how i walk around raffles place,
to woodlands, than back home!
Thankyou to huiying hors!!

Cam-woring Abit.
Blammed me to ZILIANG-zing!! (: (:
I simply just loving it!

MOMO = 黑白分红,,
Hello kitty Pouch,
From Newzealand AKA huiying!
Thankyou Darling!

Alright,Off to napping,
Tving, And studying!
Readers, Wish me good luck for tmr's paper can!
Thanks in advance! (:
I just wish i can get 13/20!!
That's simply a wish!! WAHAHAH!