Ben busy with school stuffs for pass days,
so didn't manage to do some pictures updates.
It's thursday today!
I've got NO SCHOOL tommrow!
But will be home to do some final touch up for case study.
Alright, updates!

Xiaojiao went for a small operation yesterday,
Jocelyn, Joey, Vivien and me when to visit her!
We had lunch at Delifrace, and this is the set meal i got.

We got a BEAR-BEAR for Xiaojiao,
That poor girl, i bet she's painful!
Hope she've get better after rest
& look forward to see her in school on monday! :)

MACspicy meal for me, for lunch!
FILLETofish for Katherine for lunch!
Waiting for beloved mum, and went to NTUC!
She's cooking chicky for me 2night!
Katherine just left.

Alright, That's all.
Back continuing watching my Green Forest My Home!
Taiwan series! I left with some last part,
Than back to completion of case studies!
May not or May visit my ex-pri or sec school tmr.
It will depends! I need a long long beauty sleep!
HAha! (: