Maybe in future, there will be more to come.
Somehow i regretted giving up swimming.
Maybe one day, i may be back to the pool again.
The olympics fever has started days back,
I haven been blogging after it.
The family of mine have been catching the beijing olympics
like everyday. And haven been watching any other drama series.
& this may be one of the success stories in the swim section.
MICHAEL Phelps today swept to an astonishing eighth gold medal at the
Beijing Games with victory for the US in the 4x100m medley relay.

Singapore brought in a silver yesterday in table
That was a nice match by ljw and team with china.
The family of mine manage to caught it after meeting
for dinner @ ghimmoh area.
Congrats to singapore.
Monday today, back to school.
I didn't understand the lecture today,
Needa revise later, Or maybe tmr.
Also send some lectured slides for printing ald.
OMG! i notice i am rushing out of time,
I got alot of things which is undone.
A visit to cwp&civic center soon i think.
Mummy will be going back to malacca
to take care of granny tmr, away for 3 days.
I'll be busying with housework agn.
That's all for today,