Sunday, August 31, 2008
50th post
This is my 50th posting for this blog.
How fast eh! :D
It's gona be monday tommrow,
A coming week ahead whereby i will have 3 days of school till 5pm,
And 2 days till 12pm.
Going to submit my Case study to lecturer Kenneth TOMMROW!
And i will left with 4 more papers to go,
It's 12.45pm on my clock now,
I'm feeling sleepy, i woke up at 7am today!
For jogging, breakfast than chit chat!
Mum fried banana fitters, Nice ones!
ZZZ, i want to sleep now,
Tired ha! (:
Think Daddy&Mummy bringing us out tonight?!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Old School Days
YEA! :)
YES! This year is the first year i'm visiting SembawangSec,
As a graduate, A lousy graduate? Haha :D
Anyway, I saw the teachers i want too,
But i left out one, Mrs Goh who flyed to India this morning!
Never mind, we shall meet next year! Alright! :)
My all time school canteen's favourite.
Chicken Soup + Mashed Potato.

Me and Roanna Picture on the School's Wall,
There's one more,
But i didn't take a picture!

This is a picture with Mrs Azwiza by Yijie.
Thankyou yea, the rest, i forgotten to take picture!

Visited ToastBox @ Causeway point with Mum!
I had one of my AllTimeFavourite Otah Toast Set.
Mum had none as she just had her lunch! :)
Look at their design, I love it!
But not mum, Isn't it 'Not bad'?

Happy birthday!
Okays, My birthday is coming!~
Will be on 1809 - When i will turn into my SWEET18days soon!
My god! I'm turning 18th soon, How fast,
Sooner, will be 21,
Mum brough me to choose BD present today,
LeeHwa, Sookee, GoldHeart, & More.
But i didn't see anything i want,
I want a real unique one by Mum~!
& She doesn't give me a budget!
So i can pick anything?
Haha, i will share a though for her wallet de!
Giggles! :D
Oh, No sabotage on my Birthday please!
People, you know who i'm refering to.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Ben busy with school stuffs for pass days,
so didn't manage to do some pictures updates.
It's thursday today!
I've got NO SCHOOL tommrow!
But will be home to do some final touch up for case study.
Alright, updates!

Xiaojiao went for a small operation yesterday,
Jocelyn, Joey, Vivien and me when to visit her!
We had lunch at Delifrace, and this is the set meal i got.

We got a BEAR-BEAR for Xiaojiao,
That poor girl, i bet she's painful!
Hope she've get better after rest
& look forward to see her in school on monday! :)

MACspicy meal for me, for lunch!
FILLETofish for Katherine for lunch!
Waiting for beloved mum, and went to NTUC!
She's cooking chicky for me 2night!
Katherine just left.

Alright, That's all.
Back continuing watching my Green Forest My Home!
Taiwan series! I left with some last part,
Than back to completion of case studies!
May not or May visit my ex-pri or sec school tmr.
It will depends! I need a long long beauty sleep!
HAha! (:
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Very cold.. :D
It's been raining since morning,
Like 10am?..
I played with my webcam just now! :D

School tommrow, Haiis.
New Hair Style
It costed her some how a BOMB!
I superherb love my new hair,
And really thanks to Mummy!
And credits to Wanyi who accompanied me throughout the session!
Ohya, sisCHAOXIN did her rebonding with me too.
But she refuse a photo!
Maybe soon!?

My sweet, cute, loving mother not only pay for the session,
Also, she got me this!
How else loving my mum can be?
I tried out the sample from
& sees the effect, thus, mummy got for me!
Thanks Mum! Thanks!

Slept a long afternoon, Tired*
Gona watching the closing event 0f olympics,
The next olympics will be 4 damed long years away!
MISS OLYMPIC with my family cheers after tonight.
Doing my case study now!
I love my dammed gorgous hair!
It's dammed smooth!
Dammed a Beauty!
Muahahahahahahahah! :D
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Watched Meet dave today with my siblings!
The movie was great!
Will rate it 4.5/5, 100% Satisfied!
Thanks katherine for the lik treat!

Loves, That's all for today! :)
Friday, August 22, 2008
Tired beat
I'm rather moody, down.
Tired and don't feel like doing anything.
Yesterday, i was angry because mum went KL without a word.
Today, my aunt told me that granny vomit eveything out,
and in the evening, mum call aunt,
And was told that granny admitted into hospital.
I'm worried for her, but i can do nothing.
I want to go back, and visit her,
But i need time.
I miss my grands.
I going to do some thing to my hair tmr,
Mum will be paying fully for the whole treatment,
Hope my mood will get better.

Grandma, I missyou.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Bugis Neoprints
I change my blogskin today,
People, pls comment on my blogskin.
Hms, yesterday went to bugis lib,
With Katherine, Huiying, Vivien and CousinJIAXIAN.
After that, went to get novels,
Than neoprints, than dinner.

School today, and came home.
Tons of housework to do.
Dammed tired, I'm slping soon.
Ohya, Nicole Ong,
I ald send u your bd parcel!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Look into my eyes!
Jason send me this just now.
Was so high when i receive it!
Thanks alr. (:
Monday, August 18, 2008
Maybe in future, there will be more to come.
Somehow i regretted giving up swimming.
Maybe one day, i may be back to the pool again.
The olympics fever has started days back,
I haven been blogging after it.
The family of mine have been catching the beijing olympics
like everyday. And haven been watching any other drama series.
& this may be one of the success stories in the swim section.
MICHAEL Phelps today swept to an astonishing eighth gold medal at the
Beijing Games with victory for the US in the 4x100m medley relay.

Singapore brought in a silver yesterday in table
That was a nice match by ljw and team with china.
The family of mine manage to caught it after meeting
for dinner @ ghimmoh area.
Congrats to singapore.
Monday today, back to school.
I didn't understand the lecture today,
Needa revise later, Or maybe tmr.
Also send some lectured slides for printing ald.
OMG! i notice i am rushing out of time,
I got alot of things which is undone.
A visit to cwp&civic center soon i think.
Mummy will be going back to malacca
to take care of granny tmr, away for 3 days.
I'll be busying with housework agn.
That's all for today,
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Had my exam
Not much confidence, but i wish i can pass it.
Slacked the whole day for today, am i am tired beat.
Did nothing but slept for the whole afternoon.
A photo shoot that i had yst, i love.

While studying for exam, i took out my cam,
And snap pictures of unique items. :D

Dine in JustAcia yesterday, with my girls.
With combos and free flow of drinks&ice cream. Yay!

Somemore pictures, LEMON100 to fresh me up,
And macD free omlypics glasses with purchase of upsized meals.

A gift from australia!
From Nicole Ong! Thanks drling!
With a card and a handphone charm! :)
I love it! :)

I miss this girl now. Haha!
Somehow got problems with photobucket,
willl update more soon,
I feel like sleeping now. Zzz
Friday, August 15, 2008
Supplementary Paper tommrow
I'm meeting ella tmr morning,
to do some last min revision before we enter the exam hall.
Seriously, I'm scared.
I received something from Kimberly-Clark today,
I will blog about it soon! And more to come.
Alright, some pictures,
This is with katherine when we were at macD yst.

& with vivien in the classroom during lectures!
Seen our cow tee-shirt?

A photoshoot today,
I love the pics. More coming. :)

Alright, back to revision for tmr.
Wish me goodluck alright. :)
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Sad to say
I failed both. Sad but still must accept.
I will need to take the sub-paper in sept.
Meanwhile, i need alot of revision.
I will buck up and add on super oil! :)
School tmr till 5. Will be doing proj with my girls.

A photo of me while going to sch today.
Granny is speedyly recovering,
I'm glad, I miss her.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sweet Escape
School-ed today suppose from 9am - 5pm with in btw breaks.
But i went off early! Sweet Escapewith Joey & Huiying! :)
Siblings need not attend school today,
Jane need not attend school tommrow.
Peek-tures now!
Went IKEAalexandra road today in between the breaks.
Saw auntYOKEMEI while walking theere! :)

I had this sweedish herd chicken,
Not very nice, we found the food cold!
I paid $1.50 which is suppose to be Free Flow Drinks.
Ended up, I only had 1 single cup of Ice Lemon Tea.

Peek-tures with my girls! :)
We suprise Joey with her 19th B'dea gift today,
Hope she really loves it!
And hope she really complete the task!
Okay, Joeyyyy??? :)

For the don't know how many times,
I received my fr3b pack today,
Very happy! Will try out samples and review tmr.
Thanks fr3b! :)

Alright, watching olympics while waiting for Mummyyyy
to reach home. I miss her badly.
Will give her a warm big hug later! :)
Studying after dinner, and tmr for my sub paper! :)
Wish me good luck okays!