Back with picky-torial updates!
Alright, i ended my BAF paper today,
Glad to say, i know how to do,
But not ure weather i can pass anot la! :X

13th Sept 2008
I went for classmateRAY's birthday party,
He had buffet dinner for all,
Nice foodies, Nice Cakes, Nice chit chats along the way! :D

14th Sept 2008
That's mid-autum, I didn't play much this year though,
But at least i manage to burn some candles,
Like what my dad says, burning $$.
Alison showed my this HELLO KITTY traditional mooncake,
Which i was suprised, as i only seen HELLO KITTY snow skin's moodcake,
Not the traditional one! Thanks alison for the suprise yea! ^^

SISchaoying and me playing with oldCHILDHOOD days!
Old play ground days! Haha! :D

MOSburger on 15th Sept 2008,
I love it's teriyaki one! (:
And Iced Milk Tea with lotsa alot of MILK! MOO!

Snip Snapped! :D

Google emailed me with my activation code,
Yeah, And so, My ads/earning start running!
Yuppiee Yaya! :D

Fav dished along the way,
Random photos that i loved by my mother!
Loves Loves! :D

Dad brought home Vanilla Ice Cream a few days back,
I brought home A&W root beer a few days back!
A&W + Vanilla Ice Cream = A&W Float! Loved!

Katherine and Jocelyn bought me for my 18th birthday,
Thanks girls!
I super love it! :)
My sis loved it too, Will hold up my picss soon! :D

MACd today for lunch, Grills chicky fold over!
Yeaahh, One of the healthiest snack by MACd!

Sweetly loved.

Off to Afternoon Sleep now! Tata!