For the past 1 week, I've making a daily habit to consume
at least 1 glass of fresh fruit juice every morning.
Eventually, I would like to bring it to 2 glasses each day!
I'm walking towards a healthy lifestyle!
Other than a staff meal i get during work,
I am consuming dietary supplement as my daily meals
Like wise, when i'm not working, I will try to get the least amount
of Carbohydrates food as much as possible!
I'm working towards my targeted goals,
Not a laughing stock, but something i wish to achieve,
- Lose 10kg & above in 60days time!
I'll be away to Kuala Lumper soon, Yes, Again!
Alot of people ask me, Why KL? Always!
Because i've alot of love ones there!
Also this time round, It will be a meaningful one!
Reasons because:
1. I will try my best to use my own $ = Not getting $ from parents.
2. There is 4 Cute Kids and Cousins I look forward to meet!
3. Winners Night! ( Will talk more rgrding it when i come back! )
4. I'm going alone, thus, i will gain independence after i come back!
& many more.
Cousins Coco, Tammy, Neice Ashley&Andersen is coming to Singapore this friday!
Meeting my Gf's and friends next sat for an outing to be comfirmed!
& I will hit my target real soon!