I went to quit alot of places today! Hmms, Let me recall..
1. I went jogging with mum, than i got new bedsheets! I will update when i use it!
2. I had a afternoon nap at home!
3. I meet Joey at Woodlands, Than we proceeded to Orchard!
4. We went down to Wisma Atrai first, I've gotten myself a black tank top!
5. We walk down to Cineleisure, We spend some time in NUM where that girl bought flipflops!
6. We went on the DIVA where we got good accessories at Good Deal!
7. We went for afternoon tea @ Xin Wang!
8. We than hop down to Bugis, And settle our self @ XinCafe @ Icon!
9. We took Neoprints with Vivien&Stephen who joined us later for dinner!
10. We went to the Arcade, I left the clique.
11. I went down to Kallang to wait for CousinDarren, He drove a bike to fetch me!
But! I legs tremble, shaken!! As I've been getting on a Bike for long!
12. I than meet my parents & their friends at their gathering place with CousinDarren.
13. Home Sweet Home, Cousin Vincent came over! :D
Jogging rather early tommrow, Work tommrow night! :D