Sunday, March 01, 2009

The Sick TaiTai

As promise, A picture taken during my sis's 14th Birthday!
Wasn't really in the mood, As i was Sick!
Like what doctorAW said, Just be a Sick TaiTai!
But it has been 2 weeks ago since i fall weak,
I went for consultation after consulatation, 
Medicine after medicine,
Staying how is like with the routine of ,
Sleep, Eat, Sleep Eat!

Oh my gosh! When can i return to good health?
There is alot of undone stuffs to be done! ;X


Daddy cook me dinner today! Yay!
Specially for me, Loves! ;D 

Off to sleep, but is only 6.30pm, 
Taitai in scene! LOL!