Soon, We are say Hello to 2009.
Conclusion, time really flies!
2008 to me is full off:
Laughter, Surprise, Joy, Fun,
Tears, Sadness, Shocking & Unbelievable.
Sometimes, I look back at my childhood,
Missing those days when all i know is to PLAY!
Well, thanks for my parents who gave all to me.
To conclude this year,
With some activities that i can remember,
Not including the time when i went back hometown,
went for shopping, etc.
1. I joined in Pastamania as a part time crew.
2. CharlotteEthan came to singapore.
3. CousinThomas came to singapore.
4. Dined International Buffet with family&friends.
1. Had a great Chinese New Year.
2. Bought alot of cny clothings, collected alot of Angbao.
3. Celebrated Mummy's & ChaoXin's birthday.
4. Meet ups with Secondary Gf's for shopping and movies!
1. Enjoyed working at Pastamania. I started to learn alot.
2. Went to KL for 2 weeks, Celebrated Ashley's 1st birthday.
3. Went to Bukit tingih, It was dammed good!
1. First attepmt of Whole outlet outing for Pastamania. - ClerkQuay IndoChine.
2. Back to Secondary School for Annual Speech Day!
3. Meet up with my darling girl alot!
4. Bought my laptop at IT show.
5. First visit to Changi Terminal 3.
6. Celebrated Chaopeng's Birthday!
7. Course in MDIS started.
8. Meet up with Nicole before she went for Australia.
1. Baby Celest was born!
2. Dearest Ahmin got married!
3. CharlotteEthan came to singapore.
1. CousinKATE&TAMMY alg with Ashley came to singapore.
2. Got i-banking devices, learning how to use it.
3. Had alot of photo taken with Granny.
4. Fun time at Suntec with my MDISgirls.
5. Received very nice gifts from Australia.
1. Finally received my Capital Debit Card!
2. Went to KL for a week, I shopped alot there, Using MY MONEY!
3. Had alot of durian during this season.
4. Started joing fr3b sampling platform, Enjoyed!
5. Had a great time with family at Mount Faber.
6. Pastamania staff BBQ at Sembawang Park.
1. First attempt of Neoprintings with MDISgirls.
2. First attempt of Neoprintings with CousinJiaXian.
3. Reborned my hair! Bangs Bangs Style!
4. Back to Sembawang Secondary for Teacher's day!
1. Had an September Baby Birthday celebration with MDISboys&girls friends.
2. Received alot of birthday presents! Thankyou!
3. Celebrated Ray's 21st Birthday at his place.
4. Had a nice birthday with my family.
5. Went to Chinese Garden for HelloKitting Mid Autum!
6. Second Attepmt for Neoprinting with MDIS girls.
1. Received a Big cow from Huiying.
2. CousinThomas got a wife!
3. Attended CousinThomas Wedding.
4. Help sis and friends for HAlloween Celebration!
5. Got alot of candies!
1. Help sis to prepare her Beijing trip.
2. First attempt to MEGA MAC! It was dammed full!
3. Aunt and Uncle came to Singapore.
4. Sis went to beijing.
1. Granny left me forever.
2. Sis back from beijing.
3. Meet up with Kasandd and Nicole.
4. Charlotte&Ethan came to singapore.
5. Dongzhi, mum made tanyuan!
6. Celebrated Christmas with family.
In 2009
1. I want to complete my diploma by 2009.
2. I want to tour with my family.
3. Spend more time with Granddad.
4. Acheive more skills.
5. Earn more for my parents.
6. Meetups with friends, esp long lost's.
7. Attend my Cousin's wedding.
8. Celebrate my 19th birthday with family and friends.
& many more that i haven really think of.

I super love this picture,
I don't know why,
Maybe because this is my healthy grandma.
A journalise report of mine, what's urs?
Upcoming activities for me:
28 Dec - Shopping with darling girl.
31 Dec - Count down, still no ideas of where.
2 Jan - BBQ @ east coast.
5 Jan - School starts.
For the rest of holidays,
House clearning, tv's, movies, and more.