Good news! I pass my PBMII paper with a C!
Mum was very happy for me when she knew it!
I was indeed very happy too!
Bad news! I failed my Econs paper!
1. I screw my examinations today.
2. OB paper on saturday, it went fine.
3. 2 more papers to go! JYJY!
4. I need more time, for shopping and studies!
5. Shopping for x'mas and CNY!
6. I'm very tired at this very point of time.
7. I deserve a good break when exams end this sat!

It was on the 13th dec when these 2 dearies came to Sing!
Took quite a handful of pictures with them,
And a mess update on my study week!
Some pictures we took at home, Changi t3, Vivocity and more.
I was tying to shoot enen with some YMCA shoots,
but unfortunatly, i only got a opposite C!
Pictures at Changi t3, this is my 3rd attepmt there!
I like the space there, wide and nice!
Cool enough for me to stay there and shop for long hrs,
but there isn't enough shops for me around!
Maybe t4?
We were actually trying on mirror reflections from far,
Which we found it cool,
it's in the bath room cabins from the hotel!
with purchase of 80SGD and above!
We shopped, the kids when for the treats!
Causeway point/ Vivo city/ Games place for kids!
I can rmb the exact dates,
Let the pictures talk!
Bubbles and Ballon time @ hard court,
the kids enjoyed! the spend like 1.5 hrs there!
Recreation BAO picture by jack when i was studying!
Mug Mug Mug!
Finally, i got a new cordless phone for my hse.
I received my x'mas present from Niicole,
Was like of tons of make ups with it!
Mummyy suprise me with cherries this fine day!
Thanks mum! Much love!
Dong zhi, Tang yuan festival,
we had the whites and of cause the pinks!
and the scaks of tiny bags are my savings for 3 months!
I'm gona turn them from COINS to CASH soon!
Using it for X'MAS & CNY shopping! Weehaa!