Wednesday, December 31, 2008
In less than 24hours time,

Goodbye 2008, Hello 2009!
Streets will turn noisy tonight,
Full of people's excitement,
Full of people's voices,
When they are happy'ly walking towards 2009.

Happy New Years 2009 in advance! :)
Happy New Years 2009 in advance! :)
Happy New Years 2009 in advance! :)
Happy New Years 2009 in advance! :)
Happy New Years 2009 in advance! :)
Happy New Years 2009 in advance! :)
Happy New Years 2009 in advance! :)
Happy New Years 2009 in advance! :)
Happy New Years 2009 in advance! :)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Pink Temptation
I was looking for a phone,
Probely something Pink and 5Megapix.
How can i resist to the sweet temptation to pinkness?
I wished for
Monday, December 29, 2008
A treat
I treated myself with a shopping trip with darling girl,
We headed to AMKhub, Bugis & Orchard.
Got a total of 4 tops, 1 shoes and 1 belt.
Sinful enough though? I think is not enough!
More More CNY clothing,
More More Shoes pls!
Cloths and Shoes is forever in sufficent enough for me!
Dear girl and me,
Poor girl, Nothing caught her eye today.
My Google Adsense Cheque received today!
Its been 4 months since i started using,
And it comes with SGD140++!
Wets! More cny cloths.
Thinking of giving myself one more sweet treat tommrow,
Shall i spend it worth wow?
It will be reveal if i got something i want tommrow!
Blog them'
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Looking back
Soon, We are bidding goodbye to 2008.
1. I joined in Pastamania as a part time crew.
2. CharlotteEthan came to singapore.
3. CousinThomas came to singapore.
4. Dined International Buffet with family&friends.
1. Had a great Chinese New Year.
2. Bought alot of cny clothings, collected alot of Angbao.
3. Celebrated Mummy's & ChaoXin's birthday.
4. Meet ups with Secondary Gf's for shopping and movies!
1. Enjoyed working at Pastamania. I started to learn alot.
2. Went to KL for 2 weeks, Celebrated Ashley's 1st birthday.
3. Went to Bukit tingih, It was dammed good!
1. First attepmt of Whole outlet outing for Pastamania. - ClerkQuay IndoChine.
2. Back to Secondary School for Annual Speech Day!
3. Meet up with my darling girl alot!
4. Bought my laptop at IT show.
5. First visit to Changi Terminal 3.
6. Celebrated Chaopeng's Birthday!
7. Course in MDIS started.
8. Meet up with Nicole before she went for Australia.
1. Baby Celest was born!
2. Dearest Ahmin got married!
3. CharlotteEthan came to singapore.
1. CousinKATE&TAMMY alg with Ashley came to singapore.
2. Got i-banking devices, learning how to use it.
3. Had alot of photo taken with Granny.
4. Fun time at Suntec with my MDISgirls.
5. Received very nice gifts from Australia.
1. Finally received my Capital Debit Card!
2. Went to KL for a week, I shopped alot there, Using MY MONEY!
3. Had alot of durian during this season.
4. Started joing fr3b sampling platform, Enjoyed!
5. Had a great time with family at Mount Faber.
6. Pastamania staff BBQ at Sembawang Park.
1. First attempt of Neoprintings with MDISgirls.
2. First attempt of Neoprintings with CousinJiaXian.
3. Reborned my hair! Bangs Bangs Style!
4. Back to Sembawang Secondary for Teacher's day!
1. Had an September Baby Birthday celebration with MDISboys&girls friends.
2. Received alot of birthday presents! Thankyou!
3. Celebrated Ray's 21st Birthday at his place.
4. Had a nice birthday with my family.
5. Went to Chinese Garden for HelloKitting Mid Autum!
6. Second Attepmt for Neoprinting with MDIS girls.
1. Received a Big cow from Huiying.
2. CousinThomas got a wife!
3. Attended CousinThomas Wedding.
4. Help sis and friends for HAlloween Celebration!
5. Got alot of candies!
1. Help sis to prepare her Beijing trip.
2. First attempt to MEGA MAC! It was dammed full!
3. Aunt and Uncle came to Singapore.
4. Sis went to beijing.
1. Granny left me forever.
2. Sis back from beijing.
3. Meet up with Kasandd and Nicole.
4. Charlotte&Ethan came to singapore.
5. Dongzhi, mum made tanyuan!
6. Celebrated Christmas with family.
In 2009
1. I want to complete my diploma by 2009.
2. I want to tour with my family.
3. Spend more time with Granddad.
4. Acheive more skills.
5. Earn more for my parents.
6. Meetups with friends, esp long lost's.
7. Attend my Cousin's wedding.
8. Celebrate my 19th birthday with family and friends.
& many more that i haven really think of.

Soon, We are say Hello to 2009.
Conclusion, time really flies!
2008 to me is full off:
Laughter, Surprise, Joy, Fun,
Tears, Sadness, Shocking & Unbelievable.
Sometimes, I look back at my childhood,
Missing those days when all i know is to PLAY!
Well, thanks for my parents who gave all to me.
To conclude this year,
With some activities that i can remember,
Not including the time when i went back hometown,
went for shopping, etc.
1. I joined in Pastamania as a part time crew.
2. CharlotteEthan came to singapore.
3. CousinThomas came to singapore.
4. Dined International Buffet with family&friends.
1. Had a great Chinese New Year.
2. Bought alot of cny clothings, collected alot of Angbao.
3. Celebrated Mummy's & ChaoXin's birthday.
4. Meet ups with Secondary Gf's for shopping and movies!
1. Enjoyed working at Pastamania. I started to learn alot.
2. Went to KL for 2 weeks, Celebrated Ashley's 1st birthday.
3. Went to Bukit tingih, It was dammed good!
1. First attepmt of Whole outlet outing for Pastamania. - ClerkQuay IndoChine.
2. Back to Secondary School for Annual Speech Day!
3. Meet up with my darling girl alot!
4. Bought my laptop at IT show.
5. First visit to Changi Terminal 3.
6. Celebrated Chaopeng's Birthday!
7. Course in MDIS started.
8. Meet up with Nicole before she went for Australia.
1. Baby Celest was born!
2. Dearest Ahmin got married!
3. CharlotteEthan came to singapore.
1. CousinKATE&TAMMY alg with Ashley came to singapore.
2. Got i-banking devices, learning how to use it.
3. Had alot of photo taken with Granny.
4. Fun time at Suntec with my MDISgirls.
5. Received very nice gifts from Australia.
1. Finally received my Capital Debit Card!
2. Went to KL for a week, I shopped alot there, Using MY MONEY!
3. Had alot of durian during this season.
4. Started joing fr3b sampling platform, Enjoyed!
5. Had a great time with family at Mount Faber.
6. Pastamania staff BBQ at Sembawang Park.
1. First attempt of Neoprintings with MDISgirls.
2. First attempt of Neoprintings with CousinJiaXian.
3. Reborned my hair! Bangs Bangs Style!
4. Back to Sembawang Secondary for Teacher's day!
1. Had an September Baby Birthday celebration with MDISboys&girls friends.
2. Received alot of birthday presents! Thankyou!
3. Celebrated Ray's 21st Birthday at his place.
4. Had a nice birthday with my family.
5. Went to Chinese Garden for HelloKitting Mid Autum!
6. Second Attepmt for Neoprinting with MDIS girls.
1. Received a Big cow from Huiying.
2. CousinThomas got a wife!
3. Attended CousinThomas Wedding.
4. Help sis and friends for HAlloween Celebration!
5. Got alot of candies!
1. Help sis to prepare her Beijing trip.
2. First attempt to MEGA MAC! It was dammed full!
3. Aunt and Uncle came to Singapore.
4. Sis went to beijing.
1. Granny left me forever.
2. Sis back from beijing.
3. Meet up with Kasandd and Nicole.
4. Charlotte&Ethan came to singapore.
5. Dongzhi, mum made tanyuan!
6. Celebrated Christmas with family.
In 2009
1. I want to complete my diploma by 2009.
2. I want to tour with my family.
3. Spend more time with Granddad.
4. Acheive more skills.
5. Earn more for my parents.
6. Meetups with friends, esp long lost's.
7. Attend my Cousin's wedding.
8. Celebrate my 19th birthday with family and friends.
& many more that i haven really think of.

I super love this picture,
I don't know why,
Maybe because this is my healthy grandma.
A journalise report of mine, what's urs?
Upcoming activities for me:
28 Dec - Shopping with darling girl.
31 Dec - Count down, still no ideas of where.
2 Jan - BBQ @ east coast.
5 Jan - School starts.
For the rest of holidays,
House clearning, tv's, movies, and more.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thankyou all.
1. Friends and Family who gave me the encouragement thr my exams week.
2. Presents after present received,
- Chewing gum from family. New flavours from Dentyne.
- Cards, I received quite some of it.
- Chocolates from Tiffer for me and my family.
- Chocolates from that special friend.
- Cosmetics from Nicole Ong.
- Clothings from Mum!
- And more.
3. After exam encouragement.
4. Greetings after greetings for x'mas, newyears and even cny.
Exams are finally over,
And well, lets see how my results will be.
Ohmy, i don't wanna imagine it.
Now, A week of fun,
And will be back to school on the 5th.
What should i do in this week?
Lots to do for CNY! :)
Love from family,
My girlfriends
Friday, December 26, 2008
Bye Santa

Caption: Those days with you was fun!
Santa left last night 12am.
Now, everyone shld be looking forward to NewYears!
What shall i do in New years?
Had my PMPM paper,
I really hope i can pass it!
ThomasSan, Pass my paper ok? :)
1 more paper tommrow,
After 1am tmr, i will be free!
I will have freedom, and off 6 weeks away for my next exams!
My family went back hometown yesterday,
They will be back tonight!
Better start mugging before they're back,
if not, i will talk non stop! Miss!
Love from family
Thursday, December 25, 2008
160th Post / Christmas Post
First of all,
Sad to say, my christmas is blown off due to exams.
But i shall have much fun during New Years!
Caption: New dress bought for CNY on X'mas eve!
Thanks Mum!
Thanks for all gifts, smses, emails and testimonails!
Yesterday night itself,
From the duration of 11pm to 2am,
I send out a total of 380 smses! WOW!
Today also marks the 28th day when my grandma left me,
it's 4 weeks ago,
" Grandma, I miss you! I really miss you! "
Suddenly, i rmb one song entitled for my feelings now.
当你在穿山越岭的另一边 我在孤独的路上没有尽头
发现 已经 失去 最重要的东西
恍然大悟 早已远去
为何总是在犯错之后 才肯相信 错的是自己
他们说这就是人生 试著体会 试著忍住眼泪
我不会奢求世界停止转动 我知道逃避一点都没有用
只是这段时间里 尤其在夜里 还是会想起 难忘的事情
我想我的思念是一种病 久久不能痊愈
当你在穿山越岭的另一边 我在孤独的路上没有尽头
时常感觉你在耳后的呼吸 却未曾感觉你在心口的鼻息
汲汲营营 忘记身边的人需要爱和关心
藉口总是拉远了距离 不知不觉 无声无息
我们总是在抱怨事与愿违 却不愿意回头看看自己
想想自己 到底做了甚麼蠢事情 也许是上帝给我一个试炼
只是这伤口需要花点时间 只是会想念 过去的一切
那些人事物 会离我远去
而我们终究也会远离 变成回忆
当你在穿山越岭的另一边 我在孤独的路上没有尽头
时常感觉你在耳后的呼吸 却未曾感觉你在心口的鼻息
Oh 思念是一种病 Oh 思念是一种病 一种病
当这个世界不在那麼美好 只有爱可以让他更好
我相信一切都来得及 别管那些纷纷扰扰
别让不开心的事 停下了脚步
就怕你不说 就怕你不做 别让遗憾继续 一切都来得及
当你在穿山越岭的另一边 我在孤独的路上没有尽头
时常感觉你在耳后的呼吸 却未曾感觉你在心口的鼻息
当你在穿山越岭的另一边 我在孤独的路上没有尽头
时常感觉你在耳后的呼吸 却未曾感觉你在心口的鼻息
Oh 思念是一种病 Oh 思念是一种病 一种病
Alright, more updates, peekytorail and text ones!
LovesLoves! Stay tune!
Blog them'
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Book Worming!
It's another day of studying day for me!
This morning, was having fun facebooking and pets society!
Cousins, Neices and Naphews will be over at my place later,
till the 25th dec! ^^
BBq on the 2nd with friends of MDIS is comfirmed.
Shopping and good food with my darling girl after my exams!
Lots of fun i am looking forward after 27th when my exam ends offically.
Out for lunch and back for study later!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Ever wonder?
Where is the world largest swimming pool?

If you like doing laps in the swimming pool, you might want to stock up on the energy drinks before diving in to this one.
It is more than 1,000 yards long, covers 20 acres, had a 115ft deep end and holds 66 million gallons of water..
Yesterday the Guinness Book of Records named the vast pool beside the sea in Chile as the biggest in the world.
But if you fancy splashing out on one of your own - and you have the space to accommodate it - then beware: This one took five years to build, cost nearly 1billion and the annual maintenance bill will be 2million.
The man-made saltwater lagoon has been attracting huge crowds to theSan Alfonso del Mar resort at Algarrobo, on Chile 's southern coast, since it opened last month.
Its turquoise waters are so crystal clear that you can see the bottom even in the deep end.
It dwarfs the world's second biggest pool, the Orthlieb - nicknamed the Big Splash - in Morocco , which is a mere 150 yards long and 100 yards wide. An Olympicsize pool measures some 50 yards by 25 yards.
Chile's monster pool uses a computer- controlled suction and filtration system to keep fresh seawater in permanent circulation, drawing it in from the ocean at one end and pumping it out at the other.
The sun warms the water to 26c, nine degrees warmer than the adjoining sea.
Chilean biochemist Fernando Fischmann, whose Crystal Lagoons Corporation designed the pool, said advanced engineering meant his company could build 'an impressive artificial paradise' even in inhospitable areas.
'As long as we have access to unlimited seawater, we can make it work, and it causes no damage to the ocean.'

All I can say is WOW!
Displaying of 81 pictures
Hello! I'm back with peeky-torail updates!

Good news! I pass my PBMII paper with a C!
Mum was very happy for me when she knew it!
I was indeed very happy too!
Bad news! I failed my Econs paper!
1. I screw my examinations today.
2. OB paper on saturday, it went fine.
3. 2 more papers to go! JYJY!
4. I need more time, for shopping and studies!
5. Shopping for x'mas and CNY!
6. I'm very tired at this very point of time.
7. I deserve a good break when exams end this sat!

It was on the 13th dec when these 2 dearies came to Sing!
Took quite a handful of pictures with them,
And a mess update on my study week!
Some pictures we took at home, Changi t3, Vivocity and more.
I was tying to shoot enen with some YMCA shoots,
but unfortunatly, i only got a opposite C!
Pictures at Changi t3, this is my 3rd attepmt there!
I like the space there, wide and nice!
Cool enough for me to stay there and shop for long hrs,
but there isn't enough shops for me around!
Maybe t4?
We were actually trying on mirror reflections from far,
Which we found it cool,
it's in the bath room cabins from the hotel!
with purchase of 80SGD and above!
We shopped, the kids when for the treats!
Causeway point/ Vivo city/ Games place for kids!
I can rmb the exact dates,
Let the pictures talk!
Bubbles and Ballon time @ hard court,
the kids enjoyed! the spend like 1.5 hrs there!
Recreation BAO picture by jack when i was studying!
Mug Mug Mug!
Finally, i got a new cordless phone for my hse.
I received my x'mas present from Niicole,
Was like of tons of make ups with it!
Mummyy suprise me with cherries this fine day!
Thanks mum! Much love!
Dong zhi, Tang yuan festival,
we had the whites and of cause the pinks!
and the scaks of tiny bags are my savings for 3 months!
I'm gona turn them from COINS to CASH soon!
Using it for X'MAS & CNY shopping! Weehaa!
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