I've been sharing my PST learning journey since i came back from that with my family.
The next camp i'm attending will be the MRT camp at the end of Aug!
This time, it's at another part of malaysia where i've not been before!
Mummy & maybe Aunt will be joining me also! *Can't wait!*
Know alot of new friends around malaysia/singapore.
They are really kind people, and we did alot of sharing here & there!
This training is only available for managers and above, so, i'm so pround of my level! ;)
People say, at the age of 19 having this status, it is a bravo!

This weekend coming up will be class tommrow, and saturday
Heading to ChinaTown with family/cousinVincent&Gf/cousinDaren.
The family is going out as a gang quite oftenly, I'm so loving it!
Next week will be a week of chiong-ness. Planning 50% done! Yayness!