I am back from my Malacca/Kuala Lumpur trip.
Am currently slacking at home,
Helping my mother with all kinds of house work.
Huh Huh! :)
These are the pictures i took along the way of passing by little indian
last 2 weeks! :)

Pictures with COUSINchaoqin and COUSINsueling!
And thats my cute lil neice ashley, and my glass of,
Ice blended Ice peach tea! :)
That was when i meet all the cousins and 1U's Winter wamers!

After 1U, we went to meet COUSINtingfung and family.
Thats when we have some traditional delicies.
The kids was having fun in the jelly shop,
And i bought this mickey jelly for en&ze. :)

This is the restaurant, foodies that we had.
Thanks to cousin Tingfung for the meal. :)

After the dinner, we went to kor's new place.
And thanks cousin sueling for helping me&en with the pictures!

Second day, morning, we had roti prata for breakfast.
Thats something i darn love and enjoy.
And that's cute lil ashley!

After that, we went home, rest awhile, and came out for shopping!
To sunway pyramid! Went to meet COUSINtingfung and kids for lunch,
And than continued to shop!
This is the picture of the skating ring at the lowest level of sunway pyramid.
And that's lil ashley in her pram before we met up with COUSINtingfung and kids.

The 2 dearies at Sakae sushi,
Ethan was there to, but i forgotten to snap a pic of him! Grr!

The 2 girls was having great fun in the fitting room,
Enen and Ashley was darn cute playing in there while we were trying for clothings.
I miss em '.'

We went to this western restaurant while i forgotten the name,
This is COUSINtammy with Enen,
and foodies we had in the picture below.

These are my items brought~ Hehe!

Last day in KL, after breakfast,
We went to tian hou gong, and these are the pictures!

Now, i miss everything in KL and Malaysia!